Friday, June 17, 2011

Midsummer's Night Dream Box

For my portfolio class I had made a box depicting the scene where Bottom turns into a donkey and Titania queen of the fairies falls in love with the first thing she sees, Bottom. I thought it would be a fun scene to depict and I had a lot of fun sculpting Bottom. So it went from this...

It originally had lights and was in this much smaller box with paper cuts outs. Then our chair of the illustration department, Thomas Woodruff, gave me a challenge to make it into a white on white beautiful forest, which I took.  Here was the very slow process of making the second revised work...
 So I thought I would explain the process a bit. It takes one part scavenger hunter. So I put on my hiking shoes and went to parks collecting just the right branches, mind you I got a few what the hell are you doing stares, but if you're a collage artist these are the burdens you must bear. Then I got my handy dandy saw, and cut them down to size and spray painted them, and just arranged the branches. Then over the foam core I put some clay to create some ground to make it uneven like a forest and then just decorate with various found objects and here is the final project which took forever but I think it looks pretty magical.

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